On the plains under Ngarigo sky, here on country, you and I. Cooma North Public School acknowledge the Ngarigo Yura and pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. We are committed to building positive cultural connections and promise to care for the land, animals, waterways and each other. (Acknowledgment of Country written by students and staff).
Cooma North PS was built by the Snowy Mountains Authority in 1953 to cater for the needs of the families who migrated to Cooma to work on the Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme. Today it continues to be a dynamic, innovative school that provides learning opportunities which are challenging, personalised and facilitated by expert educators. The school provides an inclusive learning environment with a strong focus on academic excellence and positive wellbeing. We currently have an enrolment of 217 students drawn from northern Cooma and surrounding rural subdivisions. The school community is diverse, welcoming students from a variety of cultures and backgrounds with 6.8% of students from an English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) background, 3.9% identifying as being Aboriginal and 1.4% identifying as being of Torres Strait Islander descent. The school has a deep commitment to Aboriginal Education and although there is not an Aboriginal Education Consultative Group, we actively consult with Aboriginal Wellbeing Officers, Aboriginal Community Liaison Officers and Ngarigo Elders.
At Cooma North Public School, we believe that every student should be challenged to live rewarding lives and be engaged with their community. We support the development of the whole student with a strong focus on wellbeing, academic growth and social understanding. We strive for excellence in teaching that provides a consistent, relevant, challenging and diverse curriculum for all learners. Our academic, sporting, cultural and creative and practical arts programs are delivered through a rich and diverse curriculum. The school has a proud tradition of achievement in the Creative Arts with outstanding established programs in Visual Arts and Drama. Staff and students have high levels of access to technology, utilising the latest hardware, software and networking capabilities.
Cooma North is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) School caring for, supporting and promoting the aspirations of each child in our school community. The school has a focus on supporting social emotional learning through trauma informed practices and dedicated wellbeing programs. We value the strong sense of community and encourage students, parents, staff and the wider community to work together as a team to foster a culture of high expectations and to provide a variety of learning opportunities for all students. Student wellbeing is a priority, and we ensure that every student is known, valued and cared for with targeted initiatives to achieve this outcome.
At Cooma North Public School, we provide quality education in an engaging and inclusive environment underpinned by a culture of high expectations and mutual respect. We strive for all students to achieve academic excellence, with teachers and the school community holding high expectations for success, and students having a sense of pride and ownership of their learning.
The success of our school is underpinned by positive partnerships with parents and the wider community, and a commitment to developing students as responsible local and global citizens.
Our vision is for our whole school community to be partners in empowering students to be active lifelong learners who are respectful, responsible and resilient
Jo Tozer