Cooma North Public School

Strive for the Highest

Telephone02 6452 1742

Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Cooma North has a dynamic team of school learning support officers (SLSOs) who work with classroom teachers to provide individualised, tailored assistance to students with disability and additional learning or emotional needs.


Leadership Team
Principal Mrs Jo Tozer
Assistant Principal / Instructional Leader Learning & Support Mrs Julie Hedger
Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction Mrs Erin Young
Assistant Principal Aboriginal Education and Wellbeing Leader  Ms Suse Nichols
Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction Mrs Zoe Rolfe


EEC Mrs Karen Vincent
KL Mrs Linley Davis
K-1D Mr Logan Duncombe
1/2GB Mrs Chrissy Graham & Ms Kristi Bryant 
2/3W Mrs Michelle Ward
2/3B Ms Jennifer Brown
3/4S Mrs Laura Sky
3/4P Mr Paul Schulz
5/6C Mrs Natalie Condello
5/6FS Mrs Rachel Fergusson & Mr Andrew Shumack
5/6NS Mrs Emily Neilson & Mr Andrew Shumack
STEM- Stem Acadmy for Excellence Mrs Chrissy Graham
HSIE Ms Suse Nichols, Mrs Erin Young, Mrs Zoe Rolfe
Science Mrs Bianca Watman
Learning Support- EALD Learning Support- EALD
School Learning Support Officers
Mrs Sue Lynch Ms Elisha Rayner
Ms Alison Griffis Mrs Kyrsty Shaw
Ms Kimberly Dwyer Miss Brooke Crawford
Miss Ashley Newman Miss Alanah Hain
Ms Elle Bryce Mr Hayden Smith
School Administration
School Administrative Manager Mrs Virginia Mensinga
School Administrative Officer Mrs Sarah Turner
School Administrative Officer Mrs Annette Rendoth
Library Assistant  Mrs Tammy Underwood
General Assistant Mr Daniel Shirvington
School Wellbeing Support
School Counsellors Mrs Collette Vine
Wellbeing and Health 
In-Reach Nurse
Mrs Nikki Rabbitte